Sectional Garage Door
With its stylish design, the usage area of the sectional garage door, which opens upwards towards the ceiling, is expanding. The upward movement can be done manually by hand or with the assistance of a motor. A sectional garage door that can be opened with a motor is automatic and can be operated with a remote control. Thus, it is possible to open your garage door while approaching with your vehicle.
The sectional garage door opens upwards thanks to the rails on its sides. Designed and installed in accordance with the architectural project and aesthetics of your building, sectional garage doors can stay balanced thanks to their springs.
Used as the garage entrances of crowded sites, apartment buildings, or detached houses, the automatic sectional garage door can maintain the same durability for years. Its safety and aesthetic elegance contribute to its increasing usage over time. Its feature of not showing the interior when closed is also an additional security feature.
How Are Sectional Garage Door Prices Determined?
The prices of sectional garage doors, manufactured with steel coating, can be determined by consulting with our company. We guarantee that you will be satisfied with the payment terms and prices we will determine through direct negotiation.
With its roller system, sectional doors, which are quite flexible, ensure your vehicles enter the closed parking area safely without collision. Our automatic door models with automation structure that allows you to enter your garage without being affected by various precipitation conditions are models that you will be very satisfied with.
Sectional Garage Door Models
The most commonly used sectional garage door models in the market are Base, Lux, Safe, and Prestige models. Various criteria are taken into account in determining the models. Below are the features of the mentioned models:

Base Model Sectional Door Features
- Single spring
- Side closure and hinges made of galvanized steel
- Rubber bumper
- Galvanized steel rail set
- Sealed from bottom, top, and sides
- Omega panel support plate
- Hollow tube shaft
- Door handle
- Packaged in cardboard
Lux Model Sectional Door Features
- Single spring
- Side closure and hinges painted
- Rubber bumper
- Galvanized steel rail set
- Sealed from bottom, top, and sides
- Omega panel support plate
- Hollow tube shaft
- Door handle
- Packaged in cardboard
Safe Model Sectional Door Features
- Spring break safety system
- Galvanized hinges
- Rubber bumper
- Horizontal rail back connection galvanized profile set
- Galvanized steel rail set
- Sealed from bottom, top, and sides
- Protection to prevent finger trapping
- Horizontal rail hanger
- Omega panel support plate
- Hollow tube shaft with wedge channels
- Cardboard packaging
- Door handle
- CE standards

Prestige Model Sectional Door Features
- Spring break safety system
- Painted hinges
- Rubber bumper
- Horizontal rail back connection galvanized profile set
- Galvanized steel rail set
- Sealed from top, bottom, and sides
- Protection to prevent finger trapping
- Omega panel support plate
- Horizontal rail hanger
- Hollow tube shaft with wedge channels
- Cardboard packaging
- Door handle
- CE standards
Sectional Door Prices
Known for providing insulation against heat, sound, and dust from the garage entrance to the interior, sectional door prices are also quite affordable. Prices may vary depending on the quality and model. As the models ascend, the door features also increase, which in turn increases the cost. However, it should be known that as the quality and model increase, satisfaction and usage period also increase proportionally.