Factory Door
The factory door is preferred for its strength and durability. There are many different sizes and types available.
There are various models of factory entrance doors available in the market. Models that offer wide and easy usage are generally used for warehouse, factory, and military facilities. Additionally, they are one of the automatic door systems used to close large-volume facilities and areas.
It is extremely important to choose models suitable for the structure of the building or the relevant area. Furthermore, it is important for these door models to be designed to fit the daily workflow and provide ease in the face of any potential malfunctions or problems.
Used with the aim of increasing work efficiency in a short time in the long run, these door models are generally preferred in the usage of areas such as industrial zones, factory warehouses, parking lots, and fire departments.
Factory entrance doors should provide many advantages in terms of usage. Also known as industrial doors, factory doors are a type of sectional door.
Factory Door Features
The features of the factory door are listed below:
- It should create comfortable usage.
- Security against possible negative situations and theft is expected.
- It should provide a suitable environment for important situations such as heat, dust, and sound insulation.
- An additional door application can be made for easy opening of the door.
Sliding Factory Door
The sliding factory door can be preferred in many different areas. In short, it is preferred in industrial structures and areas such as gardens, garages, and many other areas.
There are two different versions of this factory door model. Automatic door systems are much higher quality and longer-lasting. Manual doors that work without rails are preferred to ensure the security of the environment and for easy usage.

Shutter Factory Door
Among the factory doors, the shutter factory door, which is frequently preferred, provides a comfortable usage environment for the relevant area. This door model, which operates automatically, opens and closes the door through the rotating motion of the motor shaft located at the top.
Automatic Factory Door
Automatic doors are models that are highly compatible with the environment and have features to ensure their security. They are one of the door models used in many sectors. Suitable models can be preferred for private property, gardens, or factories.

Factory Door Motor
The motor that enables the factory door to be automatic is a necessary part to ensure the security of the environment and minimize labor. Automatic factory doors are often preferred to provide ease of use in the environment and easy entry and exit.
Regular maintenance of the motor guarantees long-term use.
Factory Door Prices
The prices of factory doors vary depending on the model and application. It is possible for prices to differ depending on the features of the door.
The models of factory doors that differ from each other in terms of features may have differences in prices regarding quality, feature, model, and similar factors.
Although each door model differs in terms of features and functionality, it is possible to say that the prices are reasonable on average.
It can be said that the average prices of quality, long-lasting, and practical factory door models range from 4,500 TL to 20,000 TL. However, it is possible to say that these prices can be sold for prices such as 40,000 TL depending on the model and features. Factory door prices are generally like this.